Monday, December 1, 2014

Question #4

As Nick leaves Gatsby's the morning after the accident, he remarks, "They're a rotten crowd...You're worth more than the whole damn bunch put together" (Fitzgerald 154). What does Nick mean by this? Do you agree or disagree with Nick? Integrate at least one piece of evidence from the text in your response.


  1. What Nick means by this statement is that people at East Egg are selfish and self centered. I agree with this because at the end of chapter nine Nick Wrote, ¨They are careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreat back into their money or their vast careless, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made...¨(179). This perfectly shows how Daisy and Tom were involved in everything that happened, yet they didn't face any consequences. They hide behind their money and they blame someone else for what they did. As much as Daisy claimed the love she felt for Gatsby, it seems that she forgot about it as soon as she killed Myrtle. She was the one that killed her, Tom was the one that had the affair and yet everything was to blame on Gatsby.

    1. I completely agree with this statement. The evidence perfectly supports Nick's claim that people in East Egg are rotten people. I believe that Gatsby would have owned up to things that he did wrong and not let others take the blame like Daisy and Tom did.

      Also, why do you think Nick complements Gatsby and then in the next sentence says he disapproved of his actions the whole time?

    2. I agree with your interpretation. It was the quest for money and power flaunted by those in the west egg that ruined Gatsby. Do you believe Daisy and Tom blamed Gatsby, or they let Gatsby blame himself?

    3. I believe that Gatsby was better than the people of East Egg. If they were so good they would have been friends with Gatsby and showed up at his funeral. Gatsby would have gone to other people's funerals or birthdays or special events because he was more than a pretty face with money. He had dreams and goals and sort of reached those goals.

    4. I agree with your statement. Daisy and Tom were the ones responsible for the misgivings and neither of them showed responsibility for what had happened.

    5. People at East Egg are rotten people and I agree with this statement that you made. Gatsby is better then the people at East Egg and he didn't deserve to die and take the consequences of other people. He had dreams and goals in life and he wanted to make his life meaningful and not like Tom and Daisy that just want money. So I agree with this statement.

    6. Diana, great work emphasizing the true character of Daisy.

  2. Nick is telling Gatsby that he is better than all the people of East Egg, who have the money and the class. He is telling Gatsby that he has feelings and dreams which are worth more than the money others have. I agree with Nick; Gatsby is a person of dreams and he knows where he wants to go. When Nick said good-by for the last time "Gatsby stood on [his] steps, concealing his incorruptible dream, as he waved [...] good-by" (Fitzgerald 154). I think that Gatsby knew this was the end and that he could not get away with murder, but still had the dream inside of his heart.

    1. Although I agreed with the statement of Gatsby's knowledge about his end, it was your statement referring to murder that bothers me. I want to believe that Nick said those lines because of Gatsby's influence to him. Unlike any of the other people he met, Nick never judged Gatsby. He was "great" because of this ability and had the heart to prove it. What Nick means here is that very heart Gatsby had over the years. He was a man of both world which is why he's significant in Nick's life. He had the riches of the East and the heart of the West, so when Nick tells them that he's better he's doing so because of the exterior and interior he brings. Gatsby has been caring, but not only towards money but to people as well. He shared his heart with the people he loved and as well had the money in his repertoire.

    2. I agree that Gatsby have dreams to achieve, but I don't agree that Nick thinks he is better than all the people of East Egg because I feel like Nick said those words to acknowledge Gatsby as a friend and that he is worth something to Nick.

    3. I agree with you completely. Nick realizes at he end what phonies are in East egg and that money is worthless when you're not a good person anyway. Everyone in the end disappointed Nick other than Gatsby. Nick realizes these are not the type of people he wants to be surrounded by; people who are selfish, rude, and careless. I think this passage also exemplifies how Nick thinks Gatsby is greater than any person who lives in East Egg and that he didn't deserve to die, while the other heartless people of East Egg are still living.

    4. Very strong analysis of the text! Well done.
