Thursday, October 30, 2014

Discussion Forum # 3: Myrtle

What is your opinion of Myrtle? Think about some of her bizarre behaviors throughout chapter two. Use evidence from the text to support your claims!


  1. I think that Myrtle is weird and strange. She has a different personality then a normal person. The way that she presents herself changes based on who she sees and where she will be. She wants to be noticed by the people that she is around and she wants to stand out in the crowd. Nick is surprised that Myrtle had changed her costume and explains his opinions, "Mrs. Wilson had changed her costume some time before, and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream-colored chiffon, which gave out a continual rustle as she swept about the room"(Fitzgerald 30). He is describing that her dress color is vivid and she is noticeable. That is exactly what she wants to be like.
    Another characteristic that nick notices are her gestures. He describes her gestures as violent and that she was affected by each moment and her gestures changed based on the mood and the moment of the conversation. Nick profoundly notices the changes in Myrtles characteristic and how she has changed. He describes her gestures and new personality, "Her laughter, her gestures, her assertions became more violently affected moment by moment, and as she expanded the grew smaller around her, until she seemed to be revolving an a noisy, creaking pivot through the smokey air"(Fitzgerald 31). Nick describes how her personality is affected by the moment that she is in and how her gestures are becoming more violent.
    I am not too fond of Myrtle because she is strange and doesn't act normal. Also, she is cheating on her husband which is not right.

    1. I agree with all of this. I thought that Myrtle was weird and strange as well. She is a little bit peculiar in the way she acts and I also thought that while I was reading. Your quote from the text was a good example of who she wants to be like. Good job explaining how Nick notices her gestures as aggressive. Nick is very observant and your writing portrays that.

  2. I believe that Marilyn is very stuck up. When she is with her husband and Tom together she pays more attention and care to a man that is only supposed to be a friend "She smiled slowly and , walking through her husband as if he were a ghost" (Fitzgerald 26). Not only does Marilyn care more for the man she is having an affair with, she uses Tom a lot to get things she wants. As soon as they are free together and in the city she tells tom "I want to get one of those dogs" (Fitzgerald 27). Marilyn also feels the need to change clothes very often. She wears clothes that are good for the moment. Her goal is to be the center of attention, and she achieves this through clothes "Her laughter, her gestures, her assertions became more violently affected moment by moment, and as she expanded the room grew smaller around her" (Fitzgerald 31). Overall, I believe Marilyn is very two-faced. When she is with her husband she is very innocent and caring for her husband when she wants to. When she is not with him, She is very outgoing and demanding. She becomes the center of attention and is trying to look her best.

  3. I agree with your response about the separate natures of Marilyn. Although she is, in your terms, "stuck up," she has alternate personalities that co-exist with the "stuck up" characteristic. The consistent "stuck up" nature is there, no matter of what differentiates her from another instance (because of her obsessive need to change clothes, etc.).

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Myrtle is very obscure and does things that your average person would not do. She has an obsession with how she looks as she continues to change outfits throughout the chapter. Myrtle starts in "a spotted dress of dark blue," (Fitzgerald 23). Then she "changed her dress to a brown figured muslin," (Fitzgerald 25), and finally she "was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream-colored chiffon," (Fitzgerald 30). Obliviously, it is not normal for a person to keep changing their outfit, especially within a short time period like Myrtle does. I also thought it was very bizarre when "she flounced over to the dog, kissed it with ecstasy, and swept into the kitchen," (Fitzgerald 32). As you can see Myrtle is a weird person, and she is always looking to be the center of attention.
