Thursday, October 30, 2014

Discussion Forum # 1: The Mystery of Gatsby

How does Fitzgerald build mystery around the character of Gatsby in chapters one and two? What do people say about him? What might be the purpose of building up so much excitement around a character? Use textual evidence in your response.

Discussion Forum # 2: Narration

Think about the narrator's role so far in the book (chapters one and two). He functions as both an observer and participant in the action. How does Fitzgerald bring Nick to the center of activity or effectively place him in the background as a bystander? What is the significance of Nick in these different roles? Use textual evidence to support your claims.

Discussion Forum # 3: Myrtle

What is your opinion of Myrtle? Think about some of her bizarre behaviors throughout chapter two. Use evidence from the text to support your claims!

Discussion Forum # 4: Setting

The reader is introduced to East Egg and West Egg in chapter one and The Valley of Ashes at the start of chapter two. What do you notice about the description of The Valley of Ashes? Based on the description, how is it different from the other settings of the text? What might the Valley of Ashes represent? Why does the setting then change to New York City? What is the significance of all of the different settings of the novel? You must use evidence from the text to support your response.